so i thought i should write a new blog. but there's really nothing that exciting to write about at
the moment. it's my last week of uni classes for the semester, so there'll be a bit of drinking (which is really just the same as every other week). that's about it. i have a lot of homework that i should be doing but am avoiding. even though it's a reasonably fun assignment. i'm just lazy.
so nin tickets are giving me the pooops. trynna figure out exactly when they go on sale so i can figure out exactly how much i'll have in my account so i can figure out how many people i can buy
tickets for... sometimes the internet making things "easier" makes life difficult. i remember camping outside the newsagent all night for pumpkins tickets. those were the days. and it was more fun. hobo jackets, battery powered tape recorders, candles and pumpkin soup. a good night was had by all. AND we were first in line. i think we ended up with tickets 5 - 8 or
also trynna decide if i have money for various interstate trips to see bands... would be fun... i probably can't *really* afford it, but can i afford not to for the music? who knows. argh.
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