that makes three songs completely finished now. i also did some updating of my myspace profile and uploaded the completed version of words... as well. this marks the first time i've put a complete song online as it will appear on the finished thing, and the first one where i really try and sing on it (and yes, i know i'm not a great singer, but i do what i can with what i've got). i guess if this were a real album, you could consider it the lead single. hehehe.
i've finally settled on names for three tracks which i'm really happy with. i knew i wanted them to be something like what they are, but i couldn't find it exactly. but now they seem so perfect. so for anyone who doesn't know it, here's the tracklisting ('cause i'm really proud of some of these song names):
1 - (part 1) words less spoken
2 - broken halo
3 - (part 2) scars of innocence
4 - everything released
5 - untitled words
6 - mountain song
7 - unfamiliar
8 - early morning silence (lovesong for a friend)
i still need to settle on a name for the cd as well though. and i may change the name of mountain song if i can think of something better for it. (at the moment it's so named because it starts off slow and quiet, builds up to something quite loud, then winds down to where it started, like a mountain ^ shape). and i'm thinking about calling the album autumn dreams aloud, because i have this image already made which i really want to find a home for, but i'm not sure that's the best for it.

anyone have any suggestions for names that they think may suit?
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