Thursday, 5 March 2009

THE worst song/video ever made.

i know it's a big call, but this is officially THE worst song ever made. this is it. it's pretend hip-hop with pretend screaming, topped off with a large dose of auto-tune. all done by kids with fashion fringes and neon clothes. who drive around in land rovers even though they're probably not old enough to drive.

and the video is just the icing on the cake. it looks exactly like what a bunch of 13 year olds would make for a song like this. notice the two guys who always follow the other two around and seem to be in the band, even though they do nothing (except one always has girls under each arm - huh?). especially watch out for the guy in the blue shirt who looks like the daggy kid the other guy's mum's forced them to hang around with. his dance moves are a highlight. and why do they start choking a girl in the bridge? also notice how most of the girls look incredibly bored when they're dancing in the background. in fact, there's so much to notice that's wrong, you may need to watch it a few times. (a giant pig?)

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